This is such a sweet game I keep playing and finding lots of cool stuff plus I fell in love Shane or all of them never happened before one thing mind the body weight how dose that work I'm all ways to skinny or to fat can't work out how you get buff do you eat normal food then work out ? That food for thought
The game is very cool, I don't see anything wrong with the game, although I thought there would be more time with Pi in version 0.1.8 it was still very cool that day. One thing that would be great if it were in the game would be that based on our decisions the appearance of the other characters will change, but it is only a clear opinion, although without that the game would still be very great, I hope I can support this project before it is I finished. If there is something weird that I said, it may be because I used a translator to write this since I don't know much English, I'm sorry.
It's finished, but im waitting for the translations to post it on the "Early release" for patreon. Sorry for taking this long, but the game at this point is too complex, so for every update until now you will have to wait more than a month...
I kinda having problems with saving? Before it was working well. But once I got to my 2nd page 4th save slot. It just didn't save anymore. it just hang on the screen and I can't press anything.
I download the mobile version for android.
besides that I love the game so very much! I do hope this can be fixed so I can play more and don't worry about my progress being deleted if ever the game crash or I need to go to sleep, etc.
Just curious, but I've never had a game from ask me for my location. Is that something the game does on its own or is it that way for a specific reason? (On Android)
Apple make you jump through hoops to become an iOS developer, including making you pay a monthly amount just for a licence to develop for the App Store. This could be circumvented if users were willing to jailbreak their devices, but it's a little risky just to play one game. I wouldn't recommend that unless you're a nerd.
As for an Android emulator, I know there are things like Anbox for computers, and other things that run "desktop" software, but at that point you might as well just use the desktop version of the game.
I have a question when I downloaded the apk and started to play it it wanted access to stuff like my camera, file and location is that suppose to happen?
So it's been a month since the last I posted, and since there was a recent update, I'd just like to make the suggestion again, in case you didn't see it or something: Is it possible to allow players to delete save files from in-game? Might be a workaround in case the player experiences the android save issue. Plus, I can't seem to find where the save files are stored on android. (I've seriously looked everywhere.)
Also, a minor dialogue suggestion: When you first meet Ryan and our protagonist muses that Ryan might be bigger than him, maybe have him think "Or maybe not, heh." or something along those lines if at a certain weight threshold. Say, 180 maybe?
If you had an old savefile, this new update is not compatible uwu, so you have to go to settings and "restore global data" in order to continue... im very sorry for that uwu
What version of the game, PC or android? Also, wich option did you selected, eating a lot, normal o a few? Does that bug always happens at the same point when you playing it?
I can't seem to be able to get soft fantasies 1.7 for Windows to work it always says a error has occurred not having .elf anyone know how to fix this? Or a correct way to download this game
Regarding the Android save issue, would allowing the user to delete save files in-game, even if only from the main menu, be a workaround until a solution is potentially found? Or would the issue somehow persist even after deleting save files? Even disregarding the saving crash issue, that's a feature I'd like to have, if it's possible in the engine you're using. Along with being able to name saves (again, if possible). I'm aware I can find the save files on PC and delete them that way, and have done that a few times, but for the android version, I have looked everywhere in my device's files for those save files and have not been able to find them.
On another note, it's possible to surpass the current summary screen weight "benchmark" during chapter 17. I'm sure the next benchmark will be added in the next version anyway, but I just figured I'd mention it.
Android version has a lot of issues, the main issue is that saving a lot of times cause the game crash after certain chapter or certain tries to save again. Sorry for that, its a bug i just cant fix for Android versión for now... The only thing you can do to avoid this is unistalling the game, and re-installing it again and playing it without making too many saves.
I noticed a bug, when going to sleep after the sumo match, if you pick to sleep with your pants on, it shows a black screen after the title card for Chapter 9, and you have to load a save and choose to sleep naked to advance.
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Whats the planned length of the game? Chapter wise and content wise
Uh, I dont know exactly to be honest uw
thats fair! so far its been a great ride an i cant wait for whats next!
When they go out on the class field trip, is there any way to go with the fox and green doggo?
No u3u. But after I finish the game I would probably add more path to previous chapters
like paths to fatten up more than just the player?
Wow I loved this game! Very well written and I can't wait to see the next update :)
Lachy is my favorite, the blue one. Both his looks and his personality is so adorable
i keep getting this too... is it cause im running it through the itch app
This is such a sweet game I keep playing and finding lots of cool stuff plus I fell in love Shane or all of them never happened before one thing mind the body weight how dose that work I'm all ways to skinny or to fat can't work out how you get buff do you eat normal food then work out ? That food for thought
Does Jim have a sex scene yet?
Goodness there is a math solving equations... Help my brain is not working :'D
Is 7
I already got it, thanks
i think the 2 new sprites at a certain weight are both for alot of muscle?
How much updates there will be before an ending?
The game is very cool, I don't see anything wrong with the game, although I thought there would be more time with Pi in version 0.1.8 it was still very cool that day. One thing that would be great if it were in the game would be that based on our decisions the appearance of the other characters will change, but it is only a clear opinion, although without that the game would still be very great, I hope I can support this project before it is I finished. If there is something weird that I said, it may be because I used a translator to write this since I don't know much English, I'm sorry.
How much more will the update?
welp he said beofre the middle of this month, but maybe he meant patreon?
It's finished, but im waitting for the translations to post it on the "Early release" for patreon. Sorry for taking this long, but the game at this point is too complex, so for every update until now you will have to wait more than a month...
So by the end of the month atleast?
In the future u3u
when will the latest version be released?
Before the middle of this month.
I kinda having problems with saving? Before it was working well. But once I got to my 2nd page 4th save slot. It just didn't save anymore. it just hang on the screen and I can't press anything.
I download the mobile version for android.
besides that I love the game so very much! I do hope this can be fixed so I can play more and don't worry about my progress being deleted if ever the game crash or I need to go to sleep, etc.
the mobile version has a bad tendency to crash if you save on too many slots as mobile devices have less overall capacity than PCs
Just curious, but I've never had a game from ask me for my location. Is that something the game does on its own or is it that way for a specific reason? (On Android)
is it on mobile and if so is there an possible way to get it on iPhone by an android emulator
Apple make you jump through hoops to become an iOS developer, including making you pay a monthly amount just for a licence to develop for the App Store. This could be circumvented if users were willing to jailbreak their devices, but it's a little risky just to play one game. I wouldn't recommend that unless you're a nerd.
As for an Android emulator, I know there are things like Anbox for computers, and other things that run "desktop" software, but at that point you might as well just use the desktop version of the game.
I can't play this game because of how it's a rar file and my mac doesn't have anything to possibly run it. Any suggestion on what I can do?
I will try to upload the folder of the game for the next version (not compressed in rar) to see if its possible. Sorry for the inconveniences!
It's fine. I just wanted to see if I could do anything. Thanks! :)
Una pregunta , ¿Cuando el juego esté completo se podrá hacer una ruta amorosa con los personajes?
Igual otra duda que tenga , si va a aparecer algo de +18 sin que yo oprimiera una opción, ¿Podría poner una opción de saltar esa escena?
Si y sip
Apk isn't allowing me to download, it's saying Error missing xmb. (EDIT: Nevermind it was a glitch for me.)
How do I get all the pictures in the gallery? There's so many and I only got a few on my first playthrough...
Its because the game isnt finished yet
Nice game.
Is there a way to read the png-files, or do they have a different format? Because I can’t open them.
will be on other updates
I have a question when I downloaded the apk and started to play it it wanted access to stuff like my camera, file and location is that suppose to happen?
So it's been a month since the last I posted, and since there was a recent update, I'd just like to make the suggestion again, in case you didn't see it or something: Is it possible to allow players to delete save files from in-game? Might be a workaround in case the player experiences the android save issue. Plus, I can't seem to find where the save files are stored on android. (I've seriously looked everywhere.)
Also, a minor dialogue suggestion: When you first meet Ryan and our protagonist muses that Ryan might be bigger than him, maybe have him think "Or maybe not, heh." or something along those lines if at a certain weight threshold. Say, 180 maybe?
just completed it, my ending was quite something not gonna spoil it, great game and lengthy too, loved it
The game has not ended yet. There are a lot of more chapters to be released ~
cant wait, your work is wonderful to play ^-^~
i can see that the last update was 2 days ago, i suppose just bugfixes?
hey, where are the save files located?
In a folder named Soft Fantasies in your local appdata folder ~
I guess there is no way to play this game on PC, I'm glad it wasn't a problem with my PC that caused the error.
?? yes, there is a PC version. Are you downloading the APK??
If you had an old savefile, this new update is not compatible uwu, so you have to go to settings and "restore global data" in order to continue... im very sorry for that uwu
The thing is I can't even enter the game and I deleted all the data from the other saves so I don't know how I would be able to do that.
Now i realised the problem of not being able to get past the bit when we finished eating at Pi's mansion i have a lot of saves what am i meant to do
Im doing or have done 1.7 but im not sure since when i finished the dinner at Pis house it kicks me off without doing anything
What version of the game, PC or android? Also, wich option did you selected, eating a lot, normal o a few? Does that bug always happens at the same point when you playing it?
Normal im on android and yes it always happens
Android version is very buggy u_u, A well know issue is having a lot of saves, or having your movile memory almost full can cause the came crash :c
Thank you ill try and get rid of some storage since its at 90%
I can't seem to be able to get soft fantasies 1.7 for Windows to work it always says a error has occurred not having .elf anyone know how to fix this? Or a correct way to download this game
Im not sure if i done 1.7v so im waiting on 1.8v it might take long
me gusto mucho el juego, gracias por seguir actualizando realmente me encanta 10/10
The recent 0.1.7 update cannot be downloaded by my app for some reason. Does anybody have a clue how to fix it?
It has been fixed! Thanks.
Regarding the Android save issue, would allowing the user to delete save files in-game, even if only from the main menu, be a workaround until a solution is potentially found? Or would the issue somehow persist even after deleting save files? Even disregarding the saving crash issue, that's a feature I'd like to have, if it's possible in the engine you're using. Along with being able to name saves (again, if possible). I'm aware I can find the save files on PC and delete them that way, and have done that a few times, but for the android version, I have looked everywhere in my device's files for those save files and have not been able to find them.
On another note, it's possible to surpass the current summary screen weight "benchmark" during chapter 17. I'm sure the next benchmark will be added in the next version anyway, but I just figured I'd mention it.
I'm on android, chapter 10 and it keeps crashing when I try to save. Does anyone know why this is happening
Android version has a lot of issues, the main issue is that saving a lot of times cause the game crash after certain chapter or certain tries to save again. Sorry for that, its a bug i just cant fix for Android versión for now... The only thing you can do to avoid this is unistalling the game, and re-installing it again and playing it without making too many saves.
oh ok got it
Aveces cuando tomo una desición crashea como en las peleas de zumo pasa si escojo sentarme con zac y lacky o saliendo de las peleas (Estoy en android)
I noticed a bug, when going to sleep after the sumo match, if you pick to sleep with your pants on, it shows a black screen after the title card for Chapter 9, and you have to load a save and choose to sleep naked to advance.
Its a knowed bug, lot of people reported it to our discord server, so i fixed it but it will appear fixed until the next update uwu